Red Teaming

Red Teaming
Red Teaming
Red Teaming
Red Teaming

About Red Teaming

Red teaming is an effective cyber resilience solution for organizations to thoroughly test their threat detection and incident response capabilities. Red teaming involves an “attack from within” approach that brings together teams of ethical hackers and security professionals. These individuals try to compromise an organization’s cybersecurity defenses by imitating real-world threats.

Red teams use the principles of competitive penetration testing to test an organization’s cybersecurity defenses by imitating real-world threats. They pretend to be hackers, infiltrating systems and networks in order to simulate a malicious cyberattack.

Our researchers will perform in-depth red team operations, ranging from phone hacking and APT attacks to human intelligence gathering. We are comprised of a team of veteran analysts who've honed their skills through years of operational experience in government agencies and private companies.

We are not just another red team vendor. Our proactive researchers operate differently. We perform deep and efficient red team operations for our clients to enhance their security posture.

A Turnkey Solution For Threat Detection

Threat detection involves evaluating the security ecosystem to find any weaknesses that can be exploited by adversaries.

Security Advisory

Security Advisory

We designed our advisory services with your realities in mind and built them to help you prioritize your security initiatives, align them with your business, and get it all done

Technical Assurance

Technical Assurance

Our Technical Assurance services are designed to help your organization improve their security posture, and ensure you can focus on the important things in your business without worrying about the risks.

Managed Services

Managed Services

Managed services is an approach to IT where the cloud service provider partners with you to deliver customized, tailored managed services that best meet your business needs.


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